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it's been one year guys one year ago after meteoric rise Luna crashed from 119 dollars to zero dollars doesn't feel like a year uh doesn't feel like a year at all but um here it is and what happened to Luna well we saw a big fall after the pack we saw like the chaos we saw the whole Market change and then we're still in a bear Market nothing like before but I'm back I'm back to making more content for you guys since May 28 Tera 2.0 launched this one has a market cap of at least 250 million but it's getting dumped why because most people they want to sell off their Terra Luna and it's getting unlocked right so we saw like a pump here bam dumped again right dumped for any price possible some high or well low lights to remember the Quan is showing to deploy more Capital he used to have more than 80k in Bitcoin trying to save project but that was not enough the Quan always bragged about his size about how much he has but now the Quan is being prosecuted this is one year after he was actually caught and he's being prosecuted he tried in diners stable coin only to lose his own so you know a lot of these tweets are taken out of context maybe they're taking as a joke but he was joking with um people who are poor I don't gather against the poor pretty sure he's poor I don't liquidate the poor you still poor it's an inside meme joke but seems like that means I'm about one week away from my one year anniversary of buying the Luna crash a whole 100 word like people are thinking about this and turn on the classic it's still out there um it's pretty crazy to me what the heck is happening but um what exactly is going on is that we could be seeing Terra Luna classic not doing fantastic right so um right now there's a lot on talking the internet of money Bitcoin should not cost five cents a transaction it's kind of absurd in 2017 which is kind of true you know transactions should not cost one dollar it should not cost five dollars classic had a pretty good idea um but this starts happening you know and that being said um I think a lot of people aren't planning for the real future we saw what will happen with Fairlane classic and and this is just the crypto markets right it's been one year so it's probably gonna take another three years that we see another pump another two years at least it's been almost two years guys since the you know highs of crypto are we ever gonna get that high again I'm gonna be making content until I get old until my beer turns gray and long I don't care I'm gonna be making videos internal Classic on on Pepe on Shiba Inu and I personally think that there's a lot of still content and great things out there but Tara Luna classic you know there's still things happening in crypto but the issue is the terrorland classic crash was inevitable it was inevitable inevitable it was a error in the algorithm someone someone definitely profited a lot of it a lot of money in that way but I think it's pretty important that to say that people are still believing crypto they don't believe in terrible classic because it keeps dumping and there's been a lot of works but if we look at a long-term game coins like Pepe you know they're starting to come around and they give a glimmer of hope but let me know what you guys think down comments below I'll keep you guys updated with more news until next time peace everyone

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